Fundamentals Experience
These are 3 day/4 night Experiences of fun things to do with a horse and are limited to 3-4 persons. The cost is $895/person..... OR $795/person if there are two people in your party when you register and with whom you will be sharing a room. The cost includes lodging, meals and 3 days of fun and learning at Steens Mountain Guest Ranch in the Indoor Riding Arena.
Basic Itinerary for the Fundamentals Experience
Monday: Please arrive at the Guest Ranch at 3 pm
Tuesday-Thursday: Fun learning Sessions
Friday: Check-out after breakfast
Tuesday-Thursday will consist of 3 different 2-hour sessions and will build on what you learned the day before.
Session 1 will focus on having fun with Cattle Handling! We will be working cattle out of a herd, team penning calves, getting the horse to watch a cow (reining, cutting), or other things you may be interested in learning.
Sessions 2 will focus on Learning to Rope! We will spend time learning the basics of roping at first and eventually progress to roping real calves.
Session 3 will be having fun learning about Horsemanship; The Relationship, The Respect, and The Responsiveness that can happen between horse and human. Whether you are a beginner or an old hand, there is always more things a person can learn.
Don't worry! It won't be too much action for those of you who haven't done it before. We only progress as fast you feel comfortable. Our goal is to have fun learning!
2018/2019 Fundamentals Experience Dates
January 14-18, 2019
February 18-22, 2019
March 4-8, 2019
November 18-22, 2019
Deposit: $295/person. Refundable up to 4 months before your experience or you can apply it towards another Experience at Steens Mountain Guest Ranch. For Reservations, Email us at Cowboys@oregonguestranch.com or call 541-493-1164.